A Message from the CEO and Staff Regarding Recent Violence
It is with utmost consideration and regard to the recent inexcusable acts that took so many innocent lives at Robb Elementary School shooting, The Topps Grocery Store shooting, the Laguna Woods Church shooting, the Christchurch shooting, and the violent war crimes happening in the Ukraine, that Gray’s Trauma-Informed Care Services Corp (GTICSC) offers its sincerest condolences. Our hearts go out to everyone who has lost loved ones. Our staff, is deeply saddened by the violence the people of our country have endured.
Our country has experienced multiple hate crimes, only 10 days prior to the tragedy in Uvalde and there have been senseless violent acts, around the world. We have all witnessed, experienced or have been triggered by the pointless and irrational loss of human life. All of these tragedies occurring amidst a worldwide pandemic and epidemic outbreaks. Our citizens watch the news, and see nations engaged in war, again with children being some of the saddest and most innocent causalities. For now, we can only offer our sincerest regards to the family and friends who have lost their lives. We stand with the survivors left in the aftermath. We grieve in pain with the people who lost their family members at the hands of a white supremacist. We grieve in pain with the parents, educators, and individuals vested in improving the lives of others, who are struggling to understand the acts of violence around them. We are thankful to the first responders, law enforcement, and all those who tried to help stop this most recent tragedy. Through this month of May…mental health awareness month, we are also worried about those who are not doing well with all that is happening around the world.
Therefore, we urgently call those who are struggling with thoughts of harming themselves or violence toward others to seek assistance tonight. These difficult times call for recognizing the strength in seeking support. If you or someone you know is struggling, please request guidance from an appropriate professional. We here, at Gray’s Trauma-Informed Care Services Corp know how to get you the help you need. We are here to offer compassion and assistance to all who seek support. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at DrGray@gettraumainformed.com or info@gettraumainformed.com and we will do our best to assist. For those who may need someone to talk to, you may call the NAMI HelpLine
https://www.nami.org/help at 800-950-6264 or chat https://www.nami.org/help
with them M-F, 10 a.m. – 10 p.m., ET. In a crisis, text “NAMI” to 741741 for 24/7, confidential, free crisis counseling.
You can also call Disaster Distress Helpline/SAMHSA Phone: 800-985-5990 (for Spanish, press 2). Text “TalkWithUs,” to 66746.
You can also call the National Center for Victims of Crime
VictimConnect 855-4-VICTIM (855-484-2846) 8:30 am – 7:30pm ET
See more Resources in Our Website’s Resource Section
Please check back for updates on additional resources and articles offering guidance from our Paragon e-Magazine authors.
Dr. Amber D. Gray, DBH
The Gray’s Trauma-Informed Care Services Corp Staff